
Windows vs mac vs linux meme
Windows vs mac vs linux meme

windows vs mac vs linux meme

Linux is the OS for people who like tinkering. "I'm not like the normies" definitely is a hipsterism. You’re competing with the hundreds of billions of dollars in app and service ecosystems that have been built around those platforms. When you’re competing with the Mac, Windows, iOS or Android you’re not just competing with Apple, Microsoft or Google. There’s just no way open source apps can possibly compete.īy failing to provide compelling support for commercial application development and distribution, the Linux desktop has starved itself of the breadth and depth of apps needed to succeed. Artists, designers, QA and domain experts in the specialist fields niche apps serve. Getting to that scale means paying people money, and not just developers.

windows vs mac vs linux meme

The total ongoing investment in commercial applications dwarfs that of open source desktop applications, in developer-hours terms, probably thousands, or tens of thousands to one. That’s because it brings massive investment. The brutal fact is commercial software is essential to the success of any desktop or mobile platform. The Linux desktop never made it because it’s a terrible platform for distributing commercial applications. Open source yadda yadda, thats nice (this is not a brush off, it IS nice), but the ecosystem could be light years ahead of where we are now. The real fallout from point 1 is no one would ever port apps to linux (a little hyperbolic - a lot of high-end post production apps and audio apps all made it over). People go to a platform because it has the tools they want. GUI standards are all over the place, etc. Gimp is fine, but it has never been close to photoshop. Holy fudge, I tried to get this going and people just crapped on me for suggesting it.Ĥ) Until recently, installing on laptops was an absolute crap shoot.ĥ) Just, apps, in general. OpenOffice is fine, IF you are ok with the janky ui and no one knowing how it works.ģ) lack of open source exchange type mail/cal/etc server and outlook-like client). There were too many projects with none focusing on really making a better gui than mac/windows.Ģ) A lack of bread and butter 1st class "business" apps - you know, office. This will be super unpopular, but Linux missed the desktop boat 20 years ago, and my feeling as someone who at the time built his gentoo OS's from source, it was the fault of a few things:ġ) Fragmented gui development.

Windows vs mac vs linux meme